Maintaining a Healthy Home Office: The Importance of Monitoring CO2 Levels in Home Office

Maintaining a Healthy Home Office: The Importance of Monitoring CO2 Levels in Home Office

In the age of remote work, many of us have transformed our homes into fully functioning offices. This shift has brought numerous benefits, including flexibility and a better work-life balance. However, it also introduces a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining a healthy indoor environment. One critical aspect that often goes…

Unveiling the Unspoken: 5 Truths about Electric Vehicles No one talks about

Unveiling the Unspoken: 5 Truths about Electric Vehicles No one talks about

In the ever-evolving landscape of automotive technology and the increase of focus on decarbonization, the spotlight often shines on the well-known benefits of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) – environmental sustainability and carbon dioxide emissions. Yet, amidst the familiar hum of these advantages, there exists a symphony of lesser-known perks, quietly enhancing the driving experience for…

The Future of Authentication: From Password to Passkey – Handelsblatt Publication

The Future of Authentication: From Password to Passkey – Handelsblatt Publication

I am pleased to provide you with an exclusive preview of an upcoming article that I had the honor and chance to publish in the newspaper Handelsblatt: “From Password to Passkey: The Gradual Password Revolution towards a Passwordless Future”. It sheds light on the rapidly growing significance of passwordless authentication and the evolving role of…

De zin van wachtwoordmanagement

De zin van wachtwoordmanagement

Partner love is a big passion of me. I like working with partners, give but also receive energy, ideas and impulses. One of my favourite partners is APS IT Diensten in the Netherlands with which I again had the great opportunity to have a webinar to emphasise the need for password management in education. A…

An honest view on buying and owning a Tesla

An honest view on buying and owning a Tesla

In recent years, Tesla has become a major player in the automotive industry, thanks to its electric vehicles which are known for their innovative features and cutting-edge technology. One of the latest additions to the Tesla family is the Model Y, an all-electric compact SUV that has quickly gained a reputation for being one of…
