Unveiling the Unspoken: 5 Truths about Electric Vehicles No one talks about

Unveiling the Unspoken: 5 Truths about Electric Vehicles No one talks about

In the ever-evolving landscape of automotive technology and the increase of focus on decarbonization, the spotlight often shines on the well-known benefits of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) – environmental sustainability and carbon dioxide emissions. Yet, amidst the familiar hum of these advantages, there exists a symphony of lesser-known perks, quietly enhancing the driving experience for…

An honest view on buying and owning a Tesla

An honest view on buying and owning a Tesla

In recent years, Tesla has become a major player in the automotive industry, thanks to its electric vehicles which are known for their innovative features and cutting-edge technology. One of the latest additions to the Tesla family is the Model Y, an all-electric compact SUV that has quickly gained a reputation for being one of…

Yet another Home Office Setup

Yet another Home Office Setup

In the recent weeks and months during the pandemic, I have seen many people sharing pictures of their home office setup to give others ideas about what works in certain scenarios and benefit from the experiences of others. I would like to tune into this and share my current home office setup – everything from…

Home DIY Network Cabinet

Home DIY Network Cabinet

IT and the Internet become increasingly important in our homes – not only after the COVID-19 crisis, in which many of us have to work from home. Also because of streaming services, tons, and tons of digital pictures, wireless devices, smart homes, and many more. During the pandemic, home-IT might be even more important as…

Clod Buster Steering Update

Clod Buster Steering Update

Last year around this time I wrote, that I found my 25-year-old Clod Buster in my basement and did an overhaul to the whole car. One part of this overhaul was, that I wasn’t satisfied with the steering of the standard 4-wheel steering of the car and I described some changes I made. However, it…

Tamiya Clod Buster overhaul

Tamiya Clod Buster overhaul

This blog post is an in-depth exploration of one of my earliest self-built RC Cars: The Tamiya Clod Buster. Prepare to be enthralled by the sheer power and innovation of this remarkable machine. Released on September 21, 1987, the Clod Buster quickly became a sensation in the world of remote-controlled vehicles. I vividly recall the…

Nerdy Wedding Part 2: Photo Booth

Nerdy Wedding Part 2: Photo Booth

Da meine Hochzeit mittlerweile schon zwei Jahre her ist, und der Blogeintrag seitdem auf seine Vollendung wartet, war es allerhöchste Zeit! Zumal ich schon mehrfach gefragt wurde, was und wie ich das gemacht habe. Das Thema ist wieder “Nerdy Wedding” – zum zweiten Mal. Der erste Teil handelte von einer Hochzeits-Webseite, die wir für Gäste und…

Nerdy Wedding Part 1: Hochzeitswebseite

Nerdy Wedding Part 1: Hochzeitswebseite

“Jeder Geek oder Nerd der heiratet fragt sich wie er seine Leidenschaften, Hobbies oder Splin mit in die Hochzeit nützlich einbringen kann. Eine, mittlerweile jedoch schon sehr weit verbreitete, Idee ist es eine Hochzeit Webseite zu erstellen. Speziell in meinem bzw. unserem Fall erschien dies sehr hilfreich da wir nicht in Deutschland geheiratet haben und…

Push, Growl, Prowl fallara

Push, Growl, Prowl fallara

Mac Benutzer kennen Growl schon länger, vielen Windows Benutzern mag Growl unbekannt und die Notwendigkeit schleierhaft sein. Ganz kurz: Growl ist ein Benachrichtigungssystem. Programme können an Growl Mitteilungen senden mit einer Betreffzeile, Text, Icon und Priorität und Growl sorgt dafür das diese Benachrichtigungen gemäß der Wünsche des Nutzers visualisiert werden. Hierfür stehen diverse Einstellungen zur…
